Thursday, June 17, 2010

I am a chocoholic

I am a foodie. I love every type of cuisine and my belly is the proof of it. However, my all time favorite dishes are ice creams and chocolates. I have spent few Sundays eating nothing except ice creams and chocolates and telling my mom that the dabba today was ok and I ate it.

Today a colleague who had spent the last month in Europe came to office. The chaiwala came to my office with the morning tea and I received an IM that she has got chocolates for us and are kept on terrace.

Being a chocoholic I rushed to the terrace only to find my colleagues were swarming over the chocolates like bees. I wanted to shoo them away saying that’s my job but before I could do anything to cement my reputation of being a jerk I realized that I am not the only chocoholic in the company. Hence, I decided to follow the cardinal rule of chocoholic’s club that states whenever chocolates are being distributed kindly stand in queue and wait for your turn. Thank you for your patience and for not being a jerk.

I waited and waited for my turn sipping tea. People were chatting near the chocolate bag and I was losing my patience. Come on guys, move on. Its tea time. Don’t you have any work? Please. I promise I won’t eat enough chocolates that will make me skip lunch but double breakfast, come on I deserve it because I am a chocoholic.

As I finished my second cup of tea my turn came. I went to the chocolates bag and found few chocolates were left. I decided to eat all of them as my second breakfast and when people will complain about it I will say,”I have done enough to become the President of the office’s chocoholic club, haven’t I?”

After picking my first chocolate I felt there were few chocoholics in office who have not yet received a single chocolate. So I picked up one more and left. After all I am planning to run for the post of office’s chocoholic club President and every politician knows if you want to win an election then don’t things that will piss off your electorates.

To sum up

Chocolates are bad. They ruin your teeth. They make you fat. Chocolates are yuck. Give me your chocolates.


  1. nice one!!!
    I'M a chocoholic too!!! Exactly my sentiments :)

  2. Chocolates are the most evil things, more evil than golum's ring! Now give me precious, precious than golum's precious! :p

  3. I went thru similar situations in College life...

    Also I am face the same problem in the morning.. So I found out a solution.. I carry it to office.. I read it in the cab, on the way... keep it on my desk till eve.. then in the eve I put it into the carton placed to collect News Papers for some NGO...

    Hai na kamaal ka Idea... :)

  4. too love chocolates :D
